Monday, December 17, 2012

Overture Miami 2012

Overture in association with Arts For A Better World, presented a nice line up of galleries and artists at this years fair. It was their 3rd Edition to the Art Basel Miami Beach week art scene. They were in the same exhibition tent as Art Asia and Scope Miami, and it seemed to work well. Taglialatella Galleries curated an "110 WARHOLS, AN OVERVIEW" and it was one of the highlights at this fair.

Richard Meier, Silkscreen and Collage

Corey Helford Gallery, Culver City

Ellen Sandor and (art)n
PHSCologram, Duratrans, Kodalith, Plexiglas
(art)n, Chicago

Harush Shlomo

Leslie Lew
Sculpted Oil on Canvas
Sensory Evolution Gallery, New York

Artwork by Zane York

Mohammad El Rawas
The Loud Majority / Silent Minority, 2012
Diptych, Oil Acrylic, Digital Print, Aluminum, Copper, Wood and Plastic Figurines on Plywood Paney, 270 x 145 cm
Art Sawa, Dubai

AW Massey Fine Art from Fort Lauderdale had nice works by Jasper Johns and David La Chapelle. Artwork by Jim Dine, Keith Haring and Jeffrey Pitt stood out at Octavia Gallery from New Orleans.

OVERTURE | Miami website:


Unknown said...

I really like the artwork in the pictures above. I would definitely recommend going to the gallery and viewing this artwork.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

This is pretty, I love it. I can't wait to see more.

beach art

Anonymous said...

This makes me want to go to the beach again. Great ideas!!
beach art

Unknown said...

speechless. Really incredible work good job.

Contemporary Painting

Silly Bill said...

The multimedia aspects of this show add new dimensions that truly enhance the effect. cudos