The art show that established its name by curating cutting-edge contemporary art from around the world just completed its eleventh year in December of 2011. 80 international galleries presented alongside museum-quality programming, collector tours, screenings, and special events. By Introducing artists, curators, and cutting-edge galleries to new international audiences SCOPE has become the most comprehensive destination for the emerging art world. In over thirty five fairs spanning the past ten years, SCOPE has solidified its position as the premier show-case for international emerging contemporary art. With art fairs in Miami, Basel, New York, London and the Hamptons, SCOPE Art Show has garnered critical acclaim, with sales of over $100 million and attendance of over 350,000 visitors.
An outstanding work at SCOPE this year was presented by the Gagliardi Art System of Torino, Italy. In the picture below, two seated figures are engaged in conversation. It takes a minute to realize that the realistic yet eerie facial movements and seeming-articulation are projected onto their shaped faces. Upon further inspection you realize the projection is coming from the backpacks in front of them, somehow. They speak a poetry inspired from interviews by the artists with homeless people in New York. The term ‘kinematic images’ apparently refers to the projection of video onto curved surfaces, in this case, and know that we are to see much more of cutting-edge technology-driven artworks. Large groups of fair attendees continued to be enraptured. If a museum owned this compelling and provocative piece, patrons would come from all over the world to see it. The price of $121,000.00 for this seductive artwork seems very reasonable.
House of Homeless by Swiss artists Glaser/Kunz
Before They Were Famous:
Behind the Lens of William John Kennedy
Alan Rath, sculpture at left "Neo-Watcher IV"
Rusty Scruby, Photographic reconstruction
both with Turner Carroll
Jonathan Stein rhinestone sculpture and detail
Gallery Biba, Palm Beach Florida
"Swimmer" by Carol Feuerman
oil and resin, represented by Gallery Biba
fine steel wire artwork by Shi Jindian
represented by White Rabbit Collection
These pieces are three dimensional in full scale.
Chris Herod, artist
This artwork was part of a curated show
by Andre Guichard of Chicago
artist Chong Gon Byun
Katrin Korfmann, photographer
Red Truck Gallery, New Orleans
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Online Gallery Guides and Art Collecting Resources
Written by Lynn Di Nino
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